9 Work From Home Forums (To Give You a Sense of Community)

9 Work From Home Forums (To Give You a Sense of Community)

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written by

Kevin J. Duncan


Ever felt like Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away?

You’re typing away at your home office, and suddenly you’re hit with an overwhelming urge for some camaraderie. A bit of chitchat, a shared laugh, or even a simple “Hey, how’s it going?”

But where to turn?

In this post, I’ll share 9 work-from-home forums that’ll make you feel like you’re part of a bustling virtual office space so you can banish loneliness and forge genuine connections with like-minded remote professionals.

Ready to dive into a vibrant online world that’ll make you forget you’re still in your PJs?

Let’s get started.

1. WAHM.com: Your One-Stop-Shop for All Things Work-From-Home Mom

Imagine a bustling online bazaar, filled with experienced work-from-home moms who’ve been there, done that, and lived to tell the tale.

That’s WAHM for you. This forum is a treasure trove of tips, advice, and support for moms working from home. Whether you’re freelancing, running a home-based business, or juggling remote work and parenting, this community has your back.

Did we mention they also have a job board? Yup, WAHM is not just about connecting with like-minded individuals, it’s also a hub for job opportunities tailored to work-from-home moms.

It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

2. /r/remotework/ on Reddit: The Perfect Blend of Tips, Tricks, and Inspiration

Reddit forum screenshot

Reddit is like that one friend who always seems to know everything about anything, and the r/remotework subreddit is no exception.

This online community is brimming with a diverse mix of remote workers who share their wisdom, experiences, and challenges. It’s a place to ask questions, find inspiration, and learn from others who are navigating the same remote work journey as you.

Got a question about time management?

Need tips for setting up the perfect home office?

Or just want to share your latest remote work win?

This is the place for you. And with Reddit’s user-friendly interface, you’ll find it a breeze to browse, engage, and contribute to the conversation.

3. /r/workfromhome/ on Reddit: Your Virtual Water Cooler for Remote Work Chats

Another gem from the treasure trove that is Reddit, r/workfromhome is a bustling virtual water cooler where remote workers can swap stories, share advice, and lend support to one another.

Think of it as your go-to spot for candid conversations on the highs and lows of working from home.

Need a quick break from your daily grind?

Pop into the r/workfromhome subreddit and join a lively discussion on productivity hacks, remote work tools, or simply share your own work-from-home journey.

You might just find the motivation and camaraderie you’ve been craving.

4. We Work Remotely’s Slack Community: A Sleek Workspace for Remote Work Enthusiasts

Slack isn’t just for workplace chatter anymore.

Part of the We Work Remotely network, this Slack community is a sleek, modern workspace where remote work enthusiasts from around the world come together to collaborate, share insights, and forge new connections.

In this community, you’ll find channels dedicated to everything from job postings and remote work tips, to off-topic conversations that add a dash of fun to your day.

And with Slack’s real-time messaging and intuitive interface, you’ll feel like you’re working side by side with your fellow remote work enthusiasts, no matter where they are in the world.

5. RemoteFirst Slack: The Ultimate Hangout for Remote Work Mavericks

Step into the digital playground of the RemoteFirst group, where remote work mavericks unite, share their adventures, and build lasting connections.

This Slack-based haven is teeming with resources that’ll spark your remote work spirit, covering everything from coveted job postings to insider tips and good ol’ friendly banter.

Slack’s real-time messaging and seamless interface make it a breeze to collaborate and network, keeping you in the loop on the latest remote work buzz.

6. Work at Home Moms: A Supportive Sanctuary for Motherly Multitaskers

Work from home mums homepage

Working from home while being a mom is no walk in the park.

But at the Work at Home Moms forum, you’ll find a supportive sanctuary filled with like-minded moms who understand the unique challenges you’re facing. This community is tailor-made for motherly multitaskers who are juggling work, family, and everything in between.

With sections devoted to job opportunities, home businesses, and tips for managing work-life balance, this forum is a goldmine of resources for moms who want to make remote work a success.

So whether you’re seeking advice, a shoulder to lean on, or just a friendly ear, Work at Home Moms has got you covered.

7. Working From Home Forum: A Hub for Remote Workers in Search of Balance

Working from home can sometimes feel like a delicate dance between productivity and personal life.

Enter the Working From Home Forum, a hub for remote workers seeking balance, community, and expert advice. This forum covers a wide range of topics, from remote work tools and productivity tips to the nitty-gritty of taxes and legal issues.

Not only is this forum a fantastic resource for information, but it’s also a place where you can connect with others who understand the unique challenges of working from home.

So go ahead, share your stories, ask questions, and find the support you need to thrive in your remote work journey.

8. Pangian: A Global Village for Remote Work Aficionados

pangian homepage

Pangian is more than just a forum; it’s a global village of remote work aficionados who are passionate about connecting with others and sharing their experiences.

With a focus on building a diverse and inclusive community, Pangian brings together remote workers from all corners of the globe.

This forum offers a wealth of resources, from job postings and networking opportunities to articles and tips on remote work best practices.

It’s a fantastic place to make new friends, learn from others, and expand your remote work horizons.

9. Digital Nomad Girls Community: A Sisterhood of Globetrotting Remote Workers

Last, but certainly not least, the Digital Nomad Girls Community is for remote workers who are redefining what it means to work from home. This community offers a space for women to connect, learn, and share their remote work experiences.

From digital nomad lifestyle tips and destination advice to remote work tools and productivity hacks, this community has something for everyone.

Plus, with regular events, meetups, and workshops, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to forge lasting connections and grow your remote work skills.

Your Work-From-Home Forum Adventure Awaits

remote worker

Feeling pumped about exploring these work-from-home forums?

No more staring at your screen, wondering where all the remote-working kindred spirits are hiding. Hopefully, in one or more of these communities, you’ll find camaraderie, support, and maybe even a few new virtual besties.

So, what are you waiting for? Put on your favorite PJs, grab a cup of coffee, and go join your tribe.

Good luck.

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Blessed with a loving wife and three beautiful daughters, Kevin gets to hear their squeals and giggles as he works from his home office doing what he loves: running the biggest, baddest blog on the planet.

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